Women's Ministries
Bible Studies

Bible study is an important part of our lives.
Please join us as we study God's word. The following is a link for further study, including the adult Sabbath school lesson.
His Hands
Prayer Warriors

Our creative ministry is used to help others know God cares. We are "His hands".
Here are some of the ways God has been working through us:
-Partnered with Pathfinders to give donations of shoeboxes with various items, including handmade hats and scarves, to a local child service program.
-Donations of gifts of handmade items, such as hats, for a local hospital.
If you would like to join us and learn different skills that can be used to share the love of Jesus with others, please see the calendar for the next meeting.
If you would like to use some free resources of crafts to make for others, thus showing them the love of Christ, please see resources on this page.
Prayer is a poweful privilege. Jesus is our example of how to pray. The Bible says, "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." James 5:16
Please contact us if you have a special request you would like us to pray for.