Letter to church family

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Clemmons SDA Fellowship Church,
Grace and Peace be unto you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that these cold winter days and nights find you warm in His love.
My how 2019 is off to a fast start. It is said that time waits for no one and lately I have found that to be so true. January is almost gone,events are happening quickly, and the signs all tell us that we must be watching and praying so that we are not caught by surprise by the things which will soon break upon the world.
I urge all of you to seek the Lord like never before. Make it a habit to spend special quality time with God each and every day. Missed opportunities can seldom be done over. Now more than ever Satan is working to separate us from our God, and he can only be successful if we allow it.
In John chapter 15 Jesus said, “ I am the vine,ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (verse 5) How true His word is. As we as a church strive to accomplish His will in Clemmons this year, we will not bear fruit unless we are connected to that only source of life, Jesus himself. A church, ( a group of God’s people) can only be as strong as the connection with Jesus of the individual members. By beholding we become changed, by beholding His word, by abiding in His word daily , we will be changed into the individual that He would have us become. Without quality time with Him , a change will not come for the better, but rather we will become fuel for the fire. (See verse 6 of John 15).
Notice what else comes as a by product of being connected to the vine. “ If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (verse 7, same chapter) If it seems as though our prayers are not heard, perhaps we need to spend more time with Him. Seek Him in His word, pray earnestly for His spirit, and watch for the ways in which He will work mightily in you this year.
At the end of 2018 we had a week of prayer. It was great to experience that with all of you who attended. If you could not attend I encourage you to make it a point to attend the next one as we will be having a week of prayer time at the end of each quarter. It would also be great to see more of you at our weekly Wednesday night prayer and study time as well.
With the topic of prayer in mind let us all ask of God what He would have us do this year to be His missionaries, and that this will be our best year yet in Clemmons. It is His desire that we all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that we become successful disciples, giving Glory to God. (Jn.15:8)
Please let me know if I can help you in any way in your walk with Jesus. Let us press together encouraging one another as we see the day approaching.
Your servant in Christ,